La Comisión Europea celebrará el Taller sobre Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados (UAVs por sus siglas en inglés) el 10 de noviembre de 2008 en Bruselas.


13:00 Registration check and coffee
14:30 Welcome and Introduction (Commission, DG ENTR)
14:45 Presentation of a study analysing worldwide activities on civilian and military UAV, addressing the market segmentation as well as identifying the future industrial and market challenges & opportunities for Europe (Frost
and Sullivan)
16:00 Q&A on the study
16:15 Coffee break
16:45 Presentation: the role of UAV in EUROSUR1 (Commission, DG JLS)
17:00 Presentation of the findings of the UAVnet project
17:15 Presentation by ASD on the Industry’s interest
17:30 Presentation of the EDA funded Air4All project
17:45 Conclusions & final comments
18:00 End of the event
