
SuperPad 3 supports Online Editing Services with SuperGIS Server


SuperGIS Server 3 is a set of map server software enabling enterprises to create, manage, integrate, and publish various GIS services in the centralized server architecture. For users who are in field survey, they can apply SuperPad online editing functions to modify the feature services published by SuperGIS Server and synchronize the map data on the server side to keep the coincidence of the data.

The feature services published by SuperGIS Server can support multi-user navigating and editing the map data. Users can get the feature services with SuperPad and utilize SuperPad editing tools to add, remove, move, rotate, zoom, and edit the features, attributes, and coordinates of the feature services. Furthermore, in editing the map data in the field, the editing results might be uploaded to the server inefficiently and unsuccessfully because of internet connection problems.

However, SuperPad online editing mechanism allows users to edit the data offline and connect to SuperGIS Server to upload and synchronize the data when they finish editing. As a result, surveyors no longer need to bring large quantities of map data with them in conducting the field survey; also, it does not take much manpower and time to manage the data after survey any more. The work efficiency of the surveyors can be improved significantly as well.

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