
ArcGIS Online adds Drag-and-Drop capability


The latest release of ArcGIS Online supports the addition of data from a .csv or .txt file directly to the map viewer. Users can also add GPS Exchange Form (.gpx) files; Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), Web Map Service (WMS) layers; and KML layers.

Location information, such as business or customer locations, can now be quickly visualized on a web map. ArcGIS Online also gives users control over how features from .csv, .txt, or .gpx files are displayed. Users can configure pop-up windows and customize the appearance of features drawn on the web map by changing symbols and colors. Once information is added to the web map, it can easily be shared with others.

Group users on ArcGIS Online can now add or remove any content within their groups. Group owners also have the ability to unshare items shared with the group by other group members.

ArcGIS Onlinegives everyone the opportunity to create and share maps and geospatial applications.

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