
The OGC forms REST and WFS/FE standards working groups

Cloud GIS

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) announced the formation of two new OGC Technical Committee Standards Working Groups: the RESTful Service Policy Standard Working Group (REST SWG) and the Web Feature Service – Filter Encoding Standards Working Group (WFS-FE SWG). The OGC invites public review of the SWG charters and will consider comments received before 16 November 2011.

The purpose of the RESTful Service Policy Standard Working Group is to create requirements, recommendations and examples for the creation of OGC standards for RESTful Web Services. The result of this work will be formalized in a Policy Standard for the structure and content of the implementation of geospatial standards embodying a uniform approach to RESTful principles. (REST stands for “Representational State Transfer”, a set of principles and constraints for Web computing which optimize desirable qualities including ease of development, robustness, and scalability. The term “RESTful” connotes adaptation of REST for particular computing situations such as geospatial Web services.)

The OGC members invite comments on the proposed REST SWG charter.  Details about the scope and intent of the proposed RESTful Service Policy Standard Working Group are available here. Comments on the charter should be submitted to

The purpose of the OGC Web Services Web Feature Service / Filter Encoding Standard (OWS WFS/FES) Standards Working Group is to address recent change requests regarding the use of the OGC Filter Encoding Standard (FES) with the OGC Web Services Web Feature Service. The OGC Filter Encoding Standard (FES) defines an XML encoding for filter expressions. A filter expression logically combines constraints on the properties of a feature in order to identify a particular subset of features to be operated upon. This standard is used by a number of OGC Web Services, including the OGC Web Feature Service Interface Standard, which defines interfaces and operations for data access and manipulation on a set of geographic features.

The OGC members invite comments on the proposed WFS/FE SWG charter. The technical details about the scope and intent of the work to be done are available here.  Comments on the charter should be submitted to

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