
First ever National Inspire Conference at Intergeo


The INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) Directive is an important driving force behind current developments in the field of geoinformation and national geodata infrastructure in Europe. The quality, quantity and user-friendliness of geodata are key considerations in this regard and the necessary coordination can only be achieved if everyone involved shares information directly. The first ever National INSPIRE Conference at INTERGEO in Hanover on 9 October 2012 will make an important contribution to this. Its aim is to create a platform that enables users and providers of geodata to exchange information.

Intergeo 2012According to Dr. Andreas Wytzisk from Münster-based company con terra GmbH, a leading European solutions provider in the geodata sector: “In 2007, INSPIRE laid the binding legal foundation for the creation of interoperable geodata infrastructures in the individual EU countries. Its objectives will drive forward and provide the framework for developments in this area through to 2020. With only eight years to go, we have to make the best possible use of this time.”

He goes on to say that the focus is now shifting increasingly from data provision to data usage. “For example, what specific added value can be generated? What are the technological requirements in terms of user-friendliness and how can these be implemented?” In his opinion, it is also crucial for central government, regional administrations and local authorities to reach a pragmatic agreement on certain licence conditions for the use of data services.

This is precisely the type of scenario for implementing the EU Directive that will be discussed in topic-based forums at the first National INSPIRE Conference at INTERGEO. The leading international conference trade fair for geodesy, geoinformation and land management will focus not only on the advantages, but also on market potential and present successful examples of best practice. An explanation of national geostrategy will be formulated at the end of the conference.

Particular emphasis at the INSPIRE Conference will be placed on local authorities, which are set to play an increasingly important role in the forthcoming provision of local data. Numerous partners and bodies are involved in the event, notably the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Steering Committee for Spatial Information Germany, the German Rural District Association (Deutscher Landkreistag), the German Association of Cities (Deutscher Städtetag) and the German Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management (DVW). The wide range of participants at the conference is a major step forward.

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