
GeoBolivia celebrates its first anniversary


GeoBolivia_2GeoBolivia dresses during November celebrating the first anniversary of the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, with a full program of events and activities that culminated with presentation of its version 0.4.

This celebration kicked off on November 26 with the First geOrchestra Community Meeting, which was attended by François Van Der Biest and Fabrice Phung, geOrchestra developers (technology platform implemented by GeoBolivia). Subsequently a meeting between geOrchestra and GeoNode communities took place with participation of Ariel Nuñez (developer), who discussed issues such as interoperability, reusability of modules and convergence in the development of both tools.

Next day a workshop on Informatics for Software Development to improve the geOrchestra installation process was held. After the commemorative events of the subsequent two days, the week ended with GeoBolivia participation in the “Early rounds of using GIS in natural resources.” Simultaneously, and according to the national policy of using free software, the first meeting of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation Bolivian community was held, with a view to the formation of the local Bolivian Chapter to promote free geographical software.

In the afternoon, there was a video conference with participation of technicians from Bolivia, France and Switzerland in order to share experiences in the implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures using free and open software. Closing of the commemorative events included a presentation of GeoBolivia in the National Free Software Congress (in Spanish CONASOL), promoting the use of free/open tools in the country.

Source: SDI-LAC

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