
The newest SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 3 enhances analysis functions


The Newest SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 3 developed by Supergeo enhances manipulation interface and analysis functions to perform more sophisticated tasks.

The Newest SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 3 Enhances Manipulation Interface and Analysis FunctionsFunctioning as one of SuperGIS Desktop analysis extensions, SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 3 integrates geostatistical analysis methods with GIS technologies to conduct diverse analyses.

With SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 3, users are able to explore the spatial data, query and display attribute data, manipulate basic statistical functions, and conduct geographic statistical analyses. Therefore, users can easily understand the variation and relativity of spatial data and leverage GIS capability to analyze spatial data for better decision making.

SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 3 improves the user interface to offer clever manipulation. In addition, SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 3 supports Thiessen Polygon to help users analyze and view the data distribution.

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