
GeoBolivia Live Version 1.0 is available


GeoBolivia-Live Version 1.0 is a DVD, USB drive or Virtual Machine environment based on free software that allows the use of free tools for managing geographic information posted on the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (in Spanish IDE-EPB).

Ya se encuentra disponible GeoBolivia-Live Version 1.0GeoBolivia-Live Version 1.0 is composed entirely of free software, which allows free distribution, dissemination and access; it uses Gnome Classic and Gnome Shell (Gnome is loaded automatically according to capability of the graphics card) and provides a set of applications preconfigured for geographic information management functionality which allows data storage, publication, display, analysis and manipulation. It also includes selected geographic data and respective metadata, along with user manuals upon these tools.

For detailed information you may access:

Source: SDI-LAC

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