
Brazil in figures 2013 presents data and analyses about the country


With analyses by 22 professors and researchers about several topics, the 2013 edition of Brazil in Figures is being released (Aug 15, 2013), in an event held in Salvador (BA). The book is a bilingual publication by IBGE, and brings, this year, pictures of works of art belonging to the Bahia Museum of Modern Art – MAM BA, IBGE’s partner in this enterprise. The 392-page book gathers information about the national territory, demographic and social characteristics of the population, National Accounts, agricultural, industrial, commercial and services activities, finance, foreign trade, science and technology and basic government statistics. It presents data comparing Brazil and other countries and, for the first time, has a whole chapter dedicated to enviromental issues.

The book encompasses twenty-three topics, all of them approached according to the latest IBGE statistics and, depending on the sector, on data provided by external sources, such as the Ministries of Mines and Energy, Science and Technology, Social Security, Health and Tourism, besides the Brazilian Postal and Telegraph Company, the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Civil Aviation Agency. The IBGE data come from the following surveys: National Household Sample Survey, Monthly Survey of Industry, National System of Consumer Price Indexes (INPC-IPCA), National System of Costs and Indexes of Construction, Annual Survey of Trade, Regional Accounts of Brazil and System of National Accounts. The set of data is distributed among 87 tables and graphs, with some maps and a chart.

The Brazil in Figures (volume 21) launching ceremony will be held at Palácio da Aclamação, a historical building listed by the Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Bahia, in CAmpo Grande, downtown Salvador (Av. Sete de Setembro, 1330), at 6:30 pm. IBGE’s presentation will be preceded by a panel of authors on some of the critical analyses included in the book: Professor Moacir Tinoco, Ph.D., from the Catholic University of Bahia, Professor Cláudia Sá de Andrade, Ph.D. and Professor Washington José de Souza Filho, Ph.D. both from the Federal University of Bahia.

The publication is available at

One can also purchase the book at IBGE’s Virtual Shop.

Source: IBGE

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