
Announcing iGeoTrak Version 5


Cogent3D, the makers of award winning mobile GIS applications such as: Precision Earth, GISRoam and iCropTrak, have announced that mobile GIS-centric management tooliGeoTrak Version 5.0 has been recreated using the latest in programming to fully support the upcoming Apple iOS 8 platform.

Image: iGeoTrack

iGeoTrak Version 5, slated for release along with the official release of iOS 8, promises to provide even easier to use inspection and observation work flows as well as many new features including:

Attaching PDF and Office documents to your forms
Creating colorful visual representations of data using new reference legends

Creating chemical spray PDF reports and reentry documents from right inside the mobile app

Ingesting and create multiple layer management zone polygons on the iPad

Drag-n-dropping create to new features or mark problem areas rapidly

Rendering map displays with 10’s of thousands of features and state-wide image files

iGeoTrak is excited to bring advanced mobile technology to land, conservation and utility customers to help them save time, save money and make better data driven decisions.” – Aaron Hutchison, Cogent3D – President.

With Version 5, the iGeoTrak team has focused on making it easier than ever to capture your data while working remotely, even if you need to be in the middle of nowhere for weeks at a time. iGeoTrak Version 5 provides more options to pre-fill forms, read in data automatically and analyze the data you have – all from your mobile device, for rapid “anytime, anywhere” data collection and iPad computing.

iGeoTrak continues to support its tradition of adaptable forms technology and impressive native disconnected performance providing customers with the most flexible mobile GIS-centric management tool on the market today. Where most other management tools say they can run on a mobile platform, iGeoTrak is native mobile. So you can focus on getting your work done, and not worry about whether you have a good cellular or WIFI connection or if the area you want to work fits in the limited tile cache of non-native mobile apps. See how GIS, work orders, and time tracking come together to solve real world problems without everyone needing to understand GIS!

Source: Geo Community

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