
The OGC approves best practice for RESTful


The Technical and Planning Committees have approved release of RESTful encoding of OGC  Sensor Planning Service for Earth Observation Satellite Tasking as an official OGC Best Practice.

Organizations that manage and depend on Earth Observation satellites developed in recent years a set of standards for communicating the complex instructions involved in tasking satellite-borne imaging systems. This OGC Best Practice document specifies software interfaces, bindings, requirements and conformance classes that enable complete workflows for the tasking of sensor planning services for Earth Observation (EO) satellites.

With respect to the OGC Sensor Planning Service Interface Standard (10-135), this Best Practice document shows the advantages of replacing the implementation of the traditional SOAP interfaces by a combination of 1) REST for the service encoding and 2) OpenSearch technologies to describe sensors and tasking Options, as described in the OGC OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Encoding Standard (13-039).

The RESTful encoding of OGC Sensor Planning Service for Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Best Practice document can be downloaded from:

Source: OGC

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