
New Point Cloud Capability with SimActive Version 6.1


SimActive Inc., a world-leading developer of photogrammetry software, is pleased to announce Correlator3D™ version 6.1, now with point cloud generation.

The new feature builds on SimActive’s world-renowned autocorrelation techniques using the GPU. Point clouds are generated in parallel with digital surface models (DSMs), with virtually no added processing time. As with previous versions, digital terrain models (DTMs) can also be automatically extracted in a matter of seconds.

“Although the DSM remains the de-facto deliverable for all mapping projects, an increase in interest from our UAV users led to the added functionality”, said Louis Simard, CTO of SimActive. “This further solidifies Correlator3D™ as a one-stop solution.”

For a demonstration, sign up for the next SimActive Webinar, or send an email to

Source GISuser

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