
Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University Imports GIS for Academics


Supergeo Technologies, the leading GIS software and solutions provider, announces that Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University imports GIS by selecting GIS Learning CD to spread and educate the technologies more easily.

As one of the national key universities in China Project 211, Yunnan University is dominant in several fields. The Yunnan province has varied landscapes like snow-capped mountains, rice terraces, lakes and deep gorges, which give the institute a great environment to develop its research.

By selecting the GIS Learning CD published by Supergeo, the students and researchers can systematically learn the geospatial technologies, and applied in ecology and geobotany domains.

The CD contains rich GIS knowledge, and introduces the development, application, data collection and analysis, completely includes the needed information to let non-GIS professionals know the benefits of the tech.

GIS Learning CD – Upgrade Your Knowledge

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