
Geological Survey of Israel Chooses SuperGIS Desktop


Supergeo Technologies Inc. announces that the Geological Survey of Israel utilizes SuperGIS Desktop and extensions such as Spatial Analyst, Spatial Statistics Analyst and 3D Analyst, to enhance the efficiency of its geological and earth science research.

Geological Survey of Israel (GSI), founded in 1949, is a government institute operating under the Earth Science Research Administration. The objectives of the GSI is to maintain the national earth sciences data base and analytical infrastructure.

SuperGIS Desktop is designed to assist GIS users in their daily geospatial tasks with better analysis tools at an affordable price. With useful analyst extensions, GSI researchers are able to process their geospatial data with ease.

The enhanced SuperGIS 3D Analyst enables users to display raster and feature data in a 3D environment, making the result look more realistic. It also supports graphic engines like OpenGL and DirectX, allowing users to display their data in a smoother way. The whole new 3D environment and intuitive user interface within SuperGIS Desktop 3.3 not only helps users get the hang of using GIS but also supports terrain models, building in visualization to help map viewers comprehend with little effort.

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