
Myanmar Agricultural Land Management Department Purchases 340 GNSS Receivers


Agricultural Land Management and Statistic Department (ALMS) in Myanmar recently concluded comparative field tests of four leading models of GNSS receivers. Based on the test results and bids, ALMS chose the Spectra Precision SP80 and ordered 340 units. The comparative field tests included; positioning accuracy, initialization speed, internal radio performance, pole drop test, water immersion test to one meter, and on-board battery performance.

ALMS, under the Myanmar Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, has as its primary function land survey and map preparation in the maintenance of the nation’s agricultural land registry. ALMS’s current survey practices have used traditional land survey methods using paper maps and conventional survey equipment including steel tape, compass and theodolites. In an effort to move from traditional survey practices to regional and internationally accepted standards, ALMS is working to eliminate paper maps and sketches to improve land registration and ownership service and in support of the government’s overall move to e-Government. Before making the very substantial commitment to move to GNSS receivers and survey methods, ALMS conducted a rigorous set of tests on four of the leading brands of GNSS receivers.

According to Chan Htun Aung of Suntac Technologies, the Spectra Precision dealer for Myanmar, the SP80 performed better than the competition under all conditions, and it did especially well under tree canopy. Initialisation was well within the 5 to 10 seconds required specification. Also of particular note to ALMS was the superior distance, 4.6 kilometers, through dense tree cover achieved with the SP80 2W internal radio, as well as its long battery life – six hours for the base station and eight hours for the rover. In addition, the SP80 passed the drop test from 1.5 meters onto a concrete road.

Source: GIM International

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