
gvSIG receives the award for the best European open source project


Last week the gvSIG project received the European Commission award for the best European open source project in the highest category (Cross border) at “Sharing and Reuse Awards”.

This prize is an important recognition of the career of the gvSIG project, which was born in the Generalitat Valenciana and has created a new software production model led by the gvSIG Association, based on collaboration, solidarity and shared knowledge.

It started as a project to develop a desktop GIS and now it is a complete suite to address any need related to geomatics, with the integration of the geographic component in information systems. Currently the software under the gvSIG brand is used in more than 160 countries.
All of this has played a significant role in the decision of the European Commission, evaluation criteria of which have been: solution design, solution governance, impact/results, level of use and sustainability.

If you want to consult the report used in the presentation of the project, you can find it in the following link:

From the gvSIG Association, we would like to thank the Generalitat Valenciana for its commitment to this project, as well as all the organizations that have contributed and contribute currently to the sustainability of the project, relying on the professional services of the gvSIG Association.

Finally we want to dedicate this award to all the workmates of the gvSIG Community that have worked to bring the name of gvSIG around the world during these years.

Photos from the Sharing&Reuse Conference.

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