
SpaceBR Show debates and analyses the advance of investments in space startups

A 100% online and free of charge event, conceived by MundoGEO, it will gather representives of the space sector to discuss the commercial opportunities for investors and startups. The event is going to happen between November 8th and 12th


Space tech startups have been spreading around Brazil and the world, and they are receiving more and more resources from investors prone to take risks in a moment of growth of the private initiative in space industry. That trend is going to be a topic of debates in the first edition of SpaceBR Show, which will take place between November 8th and 12th. The event, a 100% online and free of charge, was conceived and organized by MundoGEO, and it has the strategic support of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) and it will gather more than 50 speakers from Brazil and other countries. See the full programme schedule and register at the following link:

The investment in startups within the space sector reached a record in 2020, with more than US$7.6 billion in the whole world, according to Bryce Tech. That represents a 15% growth compared to the previous year and an increase of almost 1,500% comparared to the beginning of the decade. The venture capital companies are the ones leading this movement, being accountable for 64% of the resources directed to space tech startups last year.

These figures show that there’s a series of opportunities for startups in Brazil, specially in the segment of small rockets, horizontal launch, useful load development and nanosatellites. With more private investment, the tendency is that new startups are going to arise in Brazil, specially aimed at this sector.

“With the technology advance and the simplification of launching operations, the cost to send something to space is decreasing more and more. This new picture benefits a lot the startups, that are able to send to space their projects for much lower prices, attracting investors and optimizing the results”, explains the CEO of MundoGEO, Emerson Granemann. 

In the SpaceBR Show programme schedule there are specific pannels to debate the space tech startups and how they must be structured to go after private resources, including foreign resources. Besides, the investors themselves will have an exclusive space to showcase their expectations regarding this market.

The first edition of SpaceBR Show is going to be completely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, the event is going to take place in São Paulo, in hybrid format (in-person and online).


What: SpaceBR Show – 1st edition
When: November 8th to 12th, 2021
Where: 100% online
Investment: Free
Registration and full programme schedule:

About MundoGEO

MundoGEO has the purpose of spreading knowledge, promoting innovation and fostering new businesses in the space, drones and geotechnology sectors, publishing content in MundoGEO webportal, social networks and holding events (online, in-person and hybrid), such as DroneShow, MundoGEO Connect and SpaceBR Show.

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