
SpaceBR Show reaches 5 thousand people, 952 cities and 41 countries

The event had 60 Brazilian and foreign speakers, simultaneous translation and it discussed edifying themes such as the Brazilian Space Programme, national and global opportunities for the New Space, professional formation and the sector productive chain, highlighting the Brazilian industry potential


SpaceBR Show, conceived and organized by MundoGEO, has already become a milestone in the country by gathering 60 speakers from public departments and private companies in Brazil and the world, including the US, Argentina, Paraguay and Europe, to debate important themes for the future of this area. It was the first time Brazil held an event regarding the space sector with that range of content and reach.

The event, which took part from November 8th to 12th, in 100% online format, has reached so far more than 5 thousand people in live broadcasts and replay, in 41 countries and more than 952 different cities. The data makes it clear that despite being managed in Brazil, SpaceBR Show crossed the geography boundaries of the country, as well as the space sector, which is essentially global.

Watch the replay, day by day, of the SpaceBR Show lectures

The SpaceBR Show audience has also demonstrated that a younger age group of professionals must lead the new opportunities in the space area. This is because, among all participants, 42% are between 18 and 30 years old. The second most present age group is between 31 and 50 years old (34%), and the remaining above 50 years old.

“This year event fully reached the objective of gathering the components of the quadruple helix formed by the government, academy, industry and society. The latter being the main beneficiary of the space sector several applications. It’s worth it to highlight the growing participation of an even bigger number of start-ups and its investors attracted by the opportunities of New Space in the entrepreneurial environment”

analyses the CEO of Mundo GEO, Emerson Granemann

At the very first edition, SpaceBR Show brought names of renown in the space area, such as the current Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations, Marcos Pontes. Others took part besides him, such as the president of Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), Carlos Augusto de Moura; the director of Alcantara Space Base, lieutenant colonel Marcelo Corrêa de Souza; the special adjunct secretary of the Economy Ministry, Bruno Portela; the Space System Introduction and Coordination commission president, brigadier Rodrigo Alvim de Oliveira; the director of the National Institute of Space Research (INPE), Clézio Marcos de Nardin; and the Aerospace System professor of Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), Luis Eduardo Vergueiro Loures da Costa.

Others were also there, Pam Underwood, director of Spacesports Office of the Federal Administration of US Aviation (FAA) and representatives of important companies, consultancies and investors, such as Satellogic, Euroconsult, PwC France, Visiona, Avibras and Galileo Information Center in Latin America.

Throughout almost 20 hours of programme, the highlights were the discussions about the Brazilian Space Programme, the resume of the Alcantara Space Base, the sector productive chain in the country and the opportunities for Brazilian companies. Besides that, trends for the space market were heavily discussed, specially those related to the New Space and the investments directed to the sector start-ups. Finally, aspects regarding the formation and qualification of airspace professionals and the importance of spreading space science to the society were also highlighted.

SpaceBR Show had strategic support from the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), tied to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI), and institutional support from the National Institute of Space Research (INPE), Association of Aerospace Industry in Brazil (AIAB), National Union of the Defence Materials Industry (SIMDE) and Brazilian Association of Industries of Defence Materials and Safety (ABIMDE).

Next SpaceBR Show is already scheduled

The success of the SpaceBR Show first edition ensured a date for 2022. The second edition of the event will take place between May 17th and 19th next year, this time in-person, in the 5,5 thousand square meters of the Convention Center Frei Caneca, in Sao Paulo (SP). It will be even bigger and more comprehensive, widening the participation of speakers from other countries in Latin America, and there will be an expo with start-ups and companies of the sector.

SpaceBR Show in 2022 will happen at the same time as other events with a lot of synergy: Mundo GEO Connect, regarding geotechnology area, and DroneShow, regarding the sector of drones and embedded technology for professional use.

“We are already evaluating this year’s event, collecting suggestions and organizing the Forum SpaceBR Show in 2022, which will take place in Sao Paulo at the same time as a space technology expo. Companies that work with launching vehicles, manufacturers and operators of satellites and nanosatellites, and space sector service providers,” says Granemann”

says Granemann

The companies that are interested in participating the expo as exhibitors can book an area in the event. Learn more details about the Space Br Show plant and info about the reservation.

About MundoGEO

MundoGEO has the purpose of spreading knowledge, promoting innovation and fostering new businesses in the space, drones and geotechnology sectors, publishing content in MundoGEO webportal, social networks and holding events (online, in-person and hybrid), such as DroneShow, MundoGEO Connect and SpaceBR Show.

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