
DroneShow, MundoGEO Connect and SpaceBR Show 2024 will have a Business Roundtable

In São Paulo, Brazil, between May 21 and 23 of 2024, exhibitors, government bodies, universities, private companies, and potential contractors will be able to sign up for and use a platform to schedule meetings to address partnerships, cooperations and business possibilities


The DroneShow and MundoGEO Connect 2024 events, which take place between May 21 and 23 at Expo Center Norte – Yellow Pavilion, in São Paulo (SP), will provide an opportunity to participate in the Business Roundtable, as already happened with SpaceBR Show in 2023, which held over 100 meetings.

The Business Roundtable will offer companies and institutions of these industries an opportunity to participate in pre-scheduled meetings with industry and government representatives, and those of other institutions, aiming to present their products and services, increasing the possibility of generating qualified leads in addition to partnership and business opportunities.

The Business Roundtable held this year for the space industry aimed to foster the Brazilian space industry and that of other Latin American countries. Over 40 companies and institutions, among them space agencies, suppliers and purchasers in Brazil, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, United States, Chile, Finland, Portugal, Poland and Austria gathered to discuss partnerships, cooperations and business possibilities.

The segments included in the Business Roundtable for the space industry in 2023 were: Applications, Supply Chain, Hardware, Soil Infrastructure, Launchers, Satellites, and Services. The participating companies had an exclusive environment dedicated to client interaction and the most disputed projects.

Resembling what was done this year, in next year’s exhibition, to be held in 2024, the Business Rountable’ team will select and invite contracting companies, product buyers, services and solutions offered by companies at the trade fair and that operate within this market. Afterwards, the invited contracting businesses will receive a list of the exhibitor companies that registered for the Business Rountable, along with specifications of the products and services offered. Therefore, the contracting businesses and buyers will also choose which contractor businesses to receive for partnership and business meetings.

Once the contracting businesses and buyers choose which exhibitor and offering companies they would like to meet with, the Business Rountable’ team will organize a meeting schedule and notify the parties chosen for this action.  After this step, a schedule will be issued with the location at the trade fair, time and name of the companies interested in the solutions. Each meeting will be 30 minutes long.

Summary of the 2023 event:

For more information:
+55 41 99995-9701

Images: Lex Studio

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