
Uzbekistan: National Centre of Geodesy and Cartography Upgrades ILS LRS


In addition to the new licenses, Internation Land System (ILS) upgraded previously supplied licenses and trained staff of the central and regional registration offices in the National Centre of Geodesy and Cartography, part of the State Committee for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre (Goscomzemgeodescadastre).
For many, the training acted as a refresher course and a chance to learn about recent enhancements to the ILS software that take into account the latest legal and procedural changes as well as functional improvements.    Many of those trained during the five day course are now acting as trainers themselves for colleagues and end users in their respective regions. The one week training was delivered by local trainers to 12 chief registrars from regional offices in July of 2007.
According to Alexander Samborsky, Director at the National Centre of Geodesy and Cartography, the ILS LRS system implementation “significantly increased the level of trust to the registration system, practically eliminated the cases of data errors, distortions and corruption, and created all pre-conditions for public access to the registration information.”

Furthermore, “In addition to the automation of all registration procedures, LRS allows the following: complete registration of all real property types within the registration district boundaries, creation of a database, and generation and output of any reports and information about the registered real property, which are widely used for different purposes by government bodies, tax services, insurance and assessment companies, real-estate brokers, banks, legal and physical persons.”

LRS was first introduced into Uzbekistan in 1999 as a pilot system during the first phase of the EU Land Registration Project. In 2002, ILS provided updates and additional licenses in the second phase of the Project in 2002.

LRS is in now in use nationwide, including 14 regional offices and a central office located in the National Centre of Geodesy and Cartography, Tashkent where all regional data will be replicated and backed up. LRS is also fully integrated with the GIS system used to automate cadastre operations, and will soon be incorporated into the Uzbekistan e-government initiative.
