
Blue Marble to Demonstrate Geographic Calculator v7.0 at GITA for Oil & Gas


Blue Marble Geographics will be demonstrating new features and enhancements added to the Geographic Calculator v7.0 application during the upcoming 2007 GITA for Oil & Gas Conference in Houston, TX.  The demonstration will take place during a Solution Spotlight, on Tuesday, September 25th from 8:50-9:20 a.m.  Come and learn why Blue Marble’s coordinate conversion technology is used worldwide by thousands of GIS analysts at software companies, universities, oil and gas companies, civil engineering, surveying, technology, enterprise GIS groups, government and military organizations.

Calculator 7.0 introduces a suite of new enterprise collaboration tools for basic to advanced geodetic transformation. The software uses a new workspace model that gives users the ability save transformation jobs and projects.  Administrators now have the ability to define workspaces by locking down access to the coordinate system definitions partially or in full, depending on the users or jobs at their organization.

Users can be restricted access to the datasource via a new password protect feature.  These same tools can be used to set up projects for basic users, limiting their choice in transformation models so that the administrator is certain the right datum or datum shift is being used.  Custom defined definitions can also be better managed; the user can submit their custom definitions back to the administrator for approval.

This major new release also leverages the power of GeoCalc 6.3’s XML based datasource.  This is the most comprehensive, powerful coordinate system library available today, with direct definition matches for all the major GIS software solutions currently available, including ArcGIS, MapInfo, and Autodesk.  Other new features include an interface to the OGP’s EPSG Web Feature Service, which gives the user the ability to directly update definitions from the EPSG.  Also included is an extension to ArcGIS, allowing the user to work within Arc with Blue Marble tools. Finally, users may work directly with point data stored in ODBC Oracle, MySQL, Sql Server, PostGres, and MS Access.

Source: Blue Marble Geographics
