
GITA’s 2007 Oil and Gas Show Sees Record-breaking in Attendance


The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced the registration totals from the 16th Annual GIS for Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, which was held at the Marriott Westchase Hotel in Houston, Texas, Sept. 24-26.
With an increase in virtually all attendee categories, the conference attracted a total of 780 people, breaking the event’s attendance record of 668, set in 2006. The exhibit hall was host to a record 72 companies, up from a record 62 in 2006.

Highlights of this year’s event included the Opening Session Leadership Panel, during which top geospatial visionaries gave their insights on the new directions of GIS for oil and gas. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to attend the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Update.

There were 26 technical sessions, which covered topics including everything from the basics of GIS in the oil and gas arena to gathering systems and one-call. The conference also featured four seminars.

Both users and vendors had positive feedback about this year’s event. First-time attendee David Haberman, Equitable Resources, came to the event to find solutions and ideas for a number of projects he’s currently working on. 

“This conference is almost like one stop shopping for my projects, so it’s been a very helpful conference,” Haberman said.

GIS practitioners from markets other than oil and gas also found the event valuable.

“One of the advantages that we found being a water utility is that there are a lot of parallels between the gas pipeline companies and the water pipeline companies,” said Jeff Coffey, Tarrant Regional Water District. “The main difference is that the gas pipeline companies are driven by regulatory pressures and economic pressures so that seems to push the technology further.”

GIS vendors also had great things to say about the quality and quantity of prospects visiting their booths.

“This is our third year here at the oil and gas show. It just keeps getting better for us. There are more quality contacts every year, and I really like coming to this show and having a booth,” said Genie Hays, LizardTech.

“The GITA Oil & Gas Conference is the most important oil and gas conference we attend every year,” said Patrick Harris, Surveying and Mapping, Inc. “The connections we make and the people we talk to—whether we are already doing business with them or they are people we’ve met for the first time—are invaluable to our operation."

GITA’s GIS for Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition is a one-of-a-kind event that draws oil and gas professionals from around the world. GITA staff is currently deciding on dates and hotel location for the 2008 conference, which will again be held in Houston, Texas. Visit to sign up for conference updates.

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