Axes Systems AG, provider of integrated and open topographic and cartographic technologies, is pleased to announce that the State Authority of Saxony-Anhalt has completed the production of the entire series of digital topographic maps at 1:10,000 scale (DTK10) using the axpand GIS cartographic system.
The production of 679 DTK10 map sheets, which cover the entire 20,446 square-kilometre area of Saxony-Anhalt at 1:10,000 scale, was initiated at the beginning of 2001. The map sheets of the urban (city and town) areas were updated multiple times during this period.
To allow for complete coverage of buildings as well as elevations (DGM), the geographic information was based on digital topographic landscape data (ATKIS) and cadastral data (ALK).
The entire production was completed using the integrated GIS cartography solution axpand. Production of 1:25,000 scale derivatives was initiated in 2005 and stands close to completion.
This successful and economical development of DTK10 was possible through:
• Management and use of the data and data models in one seamless axpand database
• Integration and automatic updates of the data from ATKIS and ALK in axpand
• The user-friendly axpand GIS cartography system, covering the entire map production process from visualization and editing to outputs necessary for the processing of topographic maps