
GNSS Argentinean Service Created to Provide Support and Service to Users


During the Fifth International Workshop GPS Stations, the Argentina GNSS Service (Servicio Argentino de GNSS – SAG) has been created. The SAG is a non making profit organization aiming to provide support and service to the GNSS user’s community in Argentina.

The objectives are:

– To support and enhance the network EP GPS in the country;
– To collaborate in the set up of a frame of high quality reference;
– To develop products and services which enable GNSS use its large range of applications from accurate geodesic science to satellite navigation;
– To promote GNSS dissemination and trainings on GNSS.

Members and Work plan
Any Argentina no profit making institutions which express interest to participate and to meet the goals are welcome to become a SAG member. To be accepted as a SAG member, the institution is required to present a work plan and to design the persons in charge to carry on its realization. The acceptance of members corresponds to the SAG Assembly, upon the recommendation from the Government Comity. The SAG meeting will evaluate yearly the work plan, supervising the achievement of the goals through the results in line with the approved work plan. The SAG Assembly will be able to revoke SAG Member.

SAG Assembly
The assembly is the main organ represented by one representative of each member organization. The Assembly will meet one per year and two consecutive meetings could not take place in the same country state. Decisions will be accepted in majority, corresponding to one vote per organization representative.

Government Comity
The Assembly delegates the authority to the Government Comity, composed by one general secretary and three members elected for three years. Their mandate can be revoked by the Assembly. Members of the Government Comity will be elected among the members of the SAG by the assembly with at least the two institutions represented.

The implementation of the SAG will count upon the host and participation of following institutions:

o Centro de Estudios del Medioambiente y los Recursos Naturales. U N de Cuyo
o Colegio de Agrimensores de Córdoba
o Colegio de Agrimensura de Mendoza.
o Departamento de Geomática – IANIGLA – CONICET – CRICYT
o Dirección de Catastro de Córdoba
o Dirección de Catastro Provincia de Mendoza.
o Dirección de Catastro Provincia de San Juan.
o Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, U N de La Plata
o Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Exactas, U N de San Juan
o Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Morón.
o Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Juan Agustín Maza.
o Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
o Instituto de Geodesia y Geodinámica, Facultad de Ingeniería, U N de Cuyo

Currently, the Goverment Comity is composed by:
General Secretary : Virginia Mackern (Universidad Juan Agustín Maza)
Comity Members
Carlos Giobellina (Colegio de Agrimensores de Tucumán)
Miguel Díaz Saravia (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
Rubén Rodríguez (Universidad de Morón)
