
Geokosmos to complete a gas project in the Far East


Geokosmos has successfully completed a new Lidar project on the Kamchatka Peninsular, the Russian Far East, aimed at surveying a gas pipeline right of way.

The customer of the project is Gazprom, the world’s largest gas company which possesses the world’s largest natural gas reserves. The project stipulates “…gas supply to the whole territory of Kamchatka Oblast. Phase 1. Gas supply to the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. GTU-2 Nizhne-Kvakchinskoye gas condensate field – automated gas distribution station of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky gas main. Pre-development of the Kshukskoye and Nizhne-Kvakchinskoye gas and condensate fields. This largest gas project on the Kamchatka Peninsular is a part of the Development Program for an integrated gas production, transportation and supply system in Eastern Siberia and the Far East taking into account potential gas exports to China and other Asia-Pacific countries.”

Digital Aerial Image

A unique feature of the project is an extremely short time span – using airborne laser scanning and digital aerial photography Geokosmos specialists performed an aerial survey of 400 linear km, processed the data and provided the customer with the required output products within the period of four months. It became possible due to favourable weather conditions in the first instance. August and September are so cold velvet season on the Kamchatka Peninsular when sunny and warm cloudless weather prevails. These months are also a peak of the fishing season and associated with the highest bear fish feeding activity. Therefore the company staff involved into the project had to… hire local hunters to beware of bears.

Digital Terrain Model

Geokosmos provided the customer with a wide range of output products including topographic maps (1:2000 – 1:5000), orthophotos and DTMs.  Valeriy Grayznov, Project Co-ordinator, Geokosmos, states: “The output products based on those geospatial data acquired by Geokosmos will allow to fulfill in accurate and time efficient manner those tasks set up by RF President on gas supply to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, the capital of Kamchatka Oblast, by 2010. We are very proud to be a part of the project which can be regarded as a milestone in the development of a giant gas field in the Okhotskoye Sea.”

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