
Intergraph unveils new capabilities for Smart Grid operations


Intergraph has expanded its Smart Grid capabilities to enable utilities to not only view, but also control, their entire distribution network from a single interface, leading to vast improvements in productivity, operations efficiency, security of critical infrastructure, resource allocation, customer service and safety.

Through the convergence of outage, mobile workforce and distribution management, Intergraph enables utilities to immediately identify, locate and resolve network issues and emergency situations such as power outages, resulting in improved customer service and vast time and cost savings.

The latest version of Intergraph technology for utility operations, InService 8.2, provides more efficient Smart Grid network and distribution management through enhanced integration with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology and integration of distribution management systems data from companies such as Siemens Energy.

Bringing all of these technologies together through a single view empowers control room operators to manage their ever-expanding networks of new smart devices and technologies without being overwhelmed with too much information coming in from disparate locations, allowing them to work smarter and faster and avoid the human errors that often cause blackouts and power outages.

With Intergraph and Siemens, Oncor Electric Delivery is building a Smart Grid that is more reliable, cost-effective and safe than today’s typical delivery network. Oncor has completed Phase I of its Smart Grid implementation, which involves the mobile workforce automation of more than 700 field crews and up to 15,000 non-emergency work orders being dispatched each day.

By extending the control room to mobile devices, Intergraph enables utilities to improve coordination between back office and field, ensuring tighter safety and allowing for faster outage response and better allocation of crews. In addition to handling complex scheduling and dispatch operations, Intergraph technology allows companies like Oncor to provide the same map and visuals to field crews that are available to dispatchers in the back office.

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