
TerraVision begains a camp work to the Real Road georeferencing


There are available the first camp job results on Real Road (Estrada Real) georeferencing Project. The Estrada Real Institute catalogued the turism strand company, as well as the cultural atractives and natural from the region. The results of all work can be seen by Google Maps, on Institute web site, in october 2009.
The Real Road have been build from the Minas Gerais to the coast, on XVII century, searching richness.

Coordinated by the Estrada Real Institute, the SitGeo will allow the turist to plan the travel, to know the photograph attractive, identify where are the services on the way to go though and what infrastructure offers.

There will be a Real Road truth ilustrated guide, with exact distance and route suggestion between the destinies in the área that is included.

Through Google Maps, the turist will identify support points, hospitals, travel agencies, police post and hotel service of 109 cities and 37 Real Road districts.

The SitGeo project have been done in a partnership between the Mineer Development Institute and the TerraVision technology company and geoprocessing services.

For more information, please visit

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