
FIG Working Week: Surveyors Key Role in Accelerated Development


FIG Working Week 2009 – Surveyors Key Role in Accelerated Development – will take place in Eilat, Israel, from 3 to 8 May 2009. In the technical programme of the FIG Working Week 2009 there are about 250 papers in almost 60 technical sessions and workshops

2009 FIG Working Week will be held in the city of Eilat – Israel’s "sunshine city" on the Red Sea. Nestled between Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the city is home to charm and beauty with its turquoise waters and sweeping desert plains.

The conference will be held in the state-of-the-art convention center of Dan Eilat Hotel. Special accommodation prices are offered to conference participants, at this hotel as well as other hotels of various categories.

For more information, please visit

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