
Concar prepares Deployment Plan of National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Brazil


ConcarThe Brazilian National Commission for Cartography (Concar) prepares Deployment Plan of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), to be submitted to the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management.

The deployment of NSDI Plan should contain:
– Time for deployment of physical and virtual structures of the Brazilian Directory of Geospatial Data (DBDG) and GIS Brazil (the NSDI portal);
– Deadline for Concar’s establishment of approved standards for geospatial data metadata;
– Deadline for the organs and entities of the federal executive power to submit to Concar and to store inside systems of their responsibility, its collection’s geospatial data metadata;
– Deadline for early disclosure of metadata of geospatial data and the provision of related services, by GIS Brazil;
– Rules for the provision of NSDI metadata by new projects or acquisitions of geospatial data; and
– Financial resources for NSDI implementation after the IBGE, including DBDG and GIS Brazil requirements, as well as financial resources for developing NSDI standards for diffusion, human resource training, and promotion of partnerships with public, federal, state, district and municipal institutions and agencies.

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