
USDA Certifies TerraGo Software for Deployment


TerraGo Technologies, the leading provider of spatial-based collaboration software, announced today that the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service has completed its certification of select TerraGo software. Now, all NRCS users will have the ability to distribute GIS data and maps and expand the use of existing GeoPDF files produced by USDA and other federal agencies. In addition, users will be able to leverage the TerraGo Toolbar to view, manipulate and collaborate with complex maps and images in a PDF-centric environment.

Today’s announcement adds NRCS to the growing list of USDA services that have approved TerraGo software for deployment. Other services include the Foreign Agriculture Service, Farm Services Agency, and Rural & Community Development.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service helps America’s private land owners and managers conserve their natural resources. Equipping field resources with TerraGo GeoPDF files of maps and images that can capture real-time, on-the-ground intelligence that can be easily brought back into the system of record will improve the Agency’s ability make more educated recommendations and decisions based on its customers’ specific needs.

The robust nature of the TerraGo GeoPDF uniquely qualifies it as the ideal format for delivering portable, interactive geospatial intelligence within PDF-centric environments like the USDA. Published by TerraGo software, the GeoPDF enables non GIS-savvy users to access and collaborate with geospatial intelligence. And because the TerraGo GeoPDF gives users access to the free TerraGo Toolbar, users can integrate with GPS for realtime location information; zoom to a location on the GeoPDF or on Google Maps; measure lengths and distances; view multiple coordinate systems; and make annotations, such as mark ups or free form text, to a geo-located point on the file.

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