
Tanzania Learns Land Management Insights From Jamaican National Land Agency


International Land Systems, Inc. recently led a Study Tour of senior Government officials of the United Republic of Tanzania to the Jamaican National Land Agency to study their modern integrated Land Registry and Cadastre system. The Study Tour is part of an ILS World Bank contract to conduct a land title registry needs assessment as part of the World Bank’s Private Sector Competitiveness Project.

Heading the eight member Tanzania delegation was Mr. Patrick Rutabanzibwa, Permanent Secretary of Tanzania.

During their week-long study program, the group became acquainted with the ILS Land Registry and Cadastre systems currently in place at the NLA to understand how they interface with other government departments, including Land Titles, Survey & Mapping, Land Valuation and Estate Management.

The delegation was able to view a "live" production environment that actively supports high volumes of daily land transactions.

Through presentations and discussions, the Jamaican NLA shared valuable lessons with the Tanzanian group.

Common linkages included intra-Government departmental coordination, staff training, data issues, financial management, as well as software and hardware requirements and procurement. The delegation was also educated on the NLA’s history, its responsibility as an executive agency, and duties as a corporate planning office.

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