
Government of Uganda turns to ILS to establish a pilot National Land Information System


International Land Systems (ILS), Inc. has entered into a three-year World Bank-funded contract to encourage private sector growth by improving the country’s land administration systems.

The Private Sector Competitiveness Project (PSCPII) aims to assist the Government of Uganda in eradicating the primary constraints preventing the international competitiveness of Uganda’s private sector. Fundamental to achieving this goal will be modernizing the land registry.

As part of PSCPII, the Design, Supply, Installation, Implementation of the Lands Information System and Securing of Land Records (DeSILISoR) supplementary project will establish a modern national land information system and land records archiving system to underpin future enterprise creation and growth, and increase public access and tenure security. Through the pilot project, a transparent and efficient land management system will help to mitigate the current difficult processes associated with obtaining and transferring evidence of land ownership as well as generating a more attractive environment for investment.

Property registration procedures in Uganda are relatively inefficient, expensive, and non-transparent. Consequently, the public and investor confidence in security of tenure in Uganda are dramatically reduced. By digitizing land records, streamlining and automating the registration process the public and businesses will be able to more easily determine land rights as well as possibly gain documented rights to land and property.

ILS Project Manager, Nigel Edmead says, “Throughout its history, Uganda has had mixed success with various land reforms that have among other things, left the national registry inefficient and non transparent. The Government of Uganda now realizes how important an organized, transparent land registry is to the economic growth of a nation. Both public and private sectors will benefit from our project activities.”

The system will be carried out through a pilot phase that will test the approach in 6 districts. It will then be implemented on a national scale at the end of the 3 year project.

The Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development of Uganda is the government agency providing support to project implementation. ILS is subcontracted to IGN France International (IGN FI) to lead the configuration of a district based Parcel Information Management System and national land information system based on ILS’ LRS, MultiCadastre and Cashier products.

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