
Gilberto Câmara, from INPE – Brazil, is nominated for Award


More than 3,000 people are meeting in MundoGEO#Connect 2011 event in São Paulo, Brazil

Gilberto Câmara, director of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), in Brazil, is between the indicated by the geospatial community for the MundoGEO#Connect Award, in the category “Geo-Technology Personality of the Decade”. Promoted by MundoGEO WebPortal, the interactive awards chooses the best professionals who, for their innovative performance, make this market grow in a sustainable way.

MundoGEO#Connect event will be held in São Paulo from June 14th to 16th. The expectation is to receive more than 3,000 professionals in MundoGEO#Connect, among specialists, decision makers, data producers, application developers, content providers and users of geoinformation in general.

Soon at the new popular voting will be opened for the winner’s choice. Also running for Geo-Technology Personality of the Decade are: Ana Clara Mourão Moura (UFMG), João Francisco Galera Monico (Unesp), Jorge Xavier Da Silva (UFRJ) and Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes (IBGE). The award ceremony will be held in June 15th 2011, at the Frei Caneca Convention Center, in São Paulo.

Honoris Causa Doctor

In the end of April, Gilberto Câmara will receive in Germany the title of Honoris Causa Doctor from the University of Münster, in recognition to the technician-scientific contribution on the geo-computer area and, also, for his performance in defense of the sharing of spatial information in benefit of sustainability and qualification in developing countries.

Before the director of INPE, the last one to receive this title was Dalai Lama, in 2007. The University of Münster is one of the main intellectual centers of Germany. Located in the city of Münster, this public institution has more than 40 thousand pupils and about 130 areas of study.


Director of INPE since December 2005, Gilberto Câmara entered the institution in 1980. Graduated in Electronic Engineering by the Air Force Institute of Technology (ITA), he took his masters and doctors degrees in Computer Engineering at INPE. As leader of the R&D Geo-processing team of the Institute, he participated on the development of important softwares for remote sensing and processing of satellite images, as well as projects like DETER and PRODES, which carry through the monitoring of the Amazon.

Responsible for the establishment of a free access policy to the INPE´s database on deforestation and to the images of the Chinese-Brazilian satellite CBERS, Gilberto Câmara is highlighted for defending the world-wide free distribution of medium resolution orbital data.

He is also professor of the post-graduation courses of Remote Sensing, Applied Computer Engineering and Science of the Terrestrial System at INPE. More information about the director, his resume, lectures and works at

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