
Google Earth and Maps for Companies Seminar takes place during MundoGEO#Connect


Innovations for companies will be presented by Google during the event, which will be held in Sao Paulo in June

In the seminar “Google Earth and Maps for Companies”, that will be held during MundoGEO#Connect in São Paulo(SP), Brazil, from June 14 to June 16, Google and local partners will introduce innovations related to solutions for companies which have applications in the areas of geographic analysis and Location Based Services (LBS). The event will also count on mini-courses, workshops, users meetings and a fair with more than 30 exhibitors that will gather about 3 thousand participants.

The corporate solutions Google Maps Premier, Google Earth Pro and Google Earth Enterprise today represent powerful tools for acquisition, integration, storage and distribution of geospatial data. Functionalities of the products will be exhibited, prioritizing the easiness of use and the speed of the results in the areas of communication, insurance, geo-marketing, real estate market, public administration, tracking of vehicles, logistics and business in general.

The seminar is aimed to professionals and specialists in the geo-processing area, and for users of geo-technology who have just started in this market.

Check the themes of the II Seminar Google Earth and Maps for Companies (June 16)
– Geospatial Solutions Google Earth and Maps for companies
– Linked applications to the real estate market, geo-marketing and business intelligence
– Applications in the area of public and business administration
– Applications in the mobility area and the tracking of vehicles
– Vision of Google on the tendencies of the market for geospatial solutions (GIS, LBS)

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