
2010 Census: IBGE releases Municipal Grid and Information on Enumeration Areas


Enumeration areas consist of the smallest territorial units established by IBGE for Census data collection. The IBGE web site presents an application aimed at the exploration and visualization of data by municipality/sub-district/neighborhood of all the 316,574 enumeration areas.

The 2010 Census files of Municipal Grid and Enumeration Areas and those of the 2010 Census Database by Enumeration Areas are available here.

In order to handle the grid, it is necessary to use a specific geoprocessing software. For simpler applications of georeferenced information recovery IBGE offers Estatcart, which can be purchased at the Virtual Shop or at IBGE book shops, and also a DVD containing all the necessary data and information.

The Grid by Federation Unit allows the combination of information from the 2010 Census with other compatible territorial databases. For this reason, it is considered a fundamental element for the planning of institutional actions and public policies at municipal level.

The digital file resolution is variable: in urban areas it is compatible with map scales ranging from 1:2.000 to 1:10.000 (which means that 1 mm on the map represents between 2 to 10 meters of land) and in rural areas, with scales ranging from 1:25.000 to 1:250.000 (in which 1mm on the map represents between 25 to 250 meters of land).

IBGE also makes available, on its Aggregated Database (SIDRA), information by sub-district/neighborhood which can be viewed in the Automatic Recovery System (SIDRA), at

It is possible to obtain information by neighborhood, such as, for example, the average number of members per household, the sex ratio (number of men for each 100 women) and the aging index, which is the number of elderly persons (aged 65 and over) for each 100 young persons (aged 0 to 14). In the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, for example, the neighborhoods with the lowest sex ratios are Flamengo, with 50 thousand residents and 73.2 men for each 100 women, and Copacabana, with 146.4 thousand residents and 74.3 men for each 100 women. Both locations also present the highest aging indexes:  263.1 and 248.6 elderly persons for each 100 young ones, respectively.

Coming releases: household surroundings characteristics and final Universe results

So far, the 2010 Census releases have portrayed several aspects o four national reality. Besides demographic density and population count – detailed at enumeration area level and consisting of information by sex, age groups and household status – there have also been preliminary Universe results at municipal level, such as family relations in the household, color or race, literacy, births registered in register offices and, moreover, information about the household itself, relative to the number of members, access to basic sanitation and illumination services, and monthly household income per capita.

The release of urban characteristics of household surroundings is also expected to be released this month. October will bring the final Universe results, including information by enumeration area, besides data about subnormal agglomerates and basic municipal social indicators. In November, IBGE will begin to release preliminary sample results. The complete calendar, with all the releases scheduled up to 2012 is available here.

Source: IBGE

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