
SuperGeo to release SuperGIS Network Server 3.0 Beta


SuperNetObjects 3SuperGeo Technologies, the leading global provider of complete GIS software and solutions, is delighted to announce that its latest network server software, SuperGIS Network Server 3.0 Beta, will be available in the near future.

Adopting the brand-new SuperNetObjects 3.0 as the core construction, SuperGIS Network Server 3.0 possesses more powerful functions for network analysis calculation and more effective operation. The analysis functions on server end that SuperGIS Network Server 3.0 provides include Superior Route Planning, Shortest Path, Closest Facilities, Service Area, Minimum Spanning Tree, Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), Center Problem and Median Problem, etc.

With user-friendly interfaces and the website wizard guide, SuperGIS Network Server 3.0 enables developers to swiftly complete the analysis and create a website. Therefore, the analyzing performance can be largely and efficiently improved.

Furthermore, SuperGIS Network Server 3.0 can be integrated with SuperGIS Server 3 to publish the analyzed results as graphic data and attribute data on map websites, allowing users to easily access the results via the Internet.

SuperGIS Network Server can be widely applied to transportation, route planning, tourism, logistic business, facilities management and business location, etc. It not only provides server developers with the best solution to rapidly and accurately analyze the network information, but also greatly facilitates the process of issuing data on map websites.


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