
SuperGeo announces SuperGIS Online website officially


SuperGeo Technologies, the leading global provider of complete GIS software and solutions, announced that SuperGIS Online Website is officially launched, making the GIS data and services accessible through the Internet.

SuperGIS Online, the SuperGIS spatial data on-demand web service, utilizes SuperGIS Server to develop a comprehensive GIS environment. Combining the frequently-used maps and GIS functionality, SuperGIS Online provides spatial data in an innovative way. Users can easily obtain the rich, novel, and application-driven GIS data through the convenient Internet connection.

SuperGIS Online primarily offers 3 types of services, inclusive of Taiwan map data, GIS Functions, and Data Hosting service. Developed with SuperGIS Server, SuperGIS Online integrates and publishes diverse geographic information as GIS services. Users can apply geographic related data and services by using Desktop GIS, Web Browsers, and Mobile devices.

SuperGIS Server is the latest server GIS software developed by SuperGeo, helping enterprises integrate and distribute GIS services and spatial data across the Web.

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