
MundoGEO Webinar Week brings together more than 3,000 participants


Semana Webinars MundoGEO_GeotecnologiasMundoGEO, leader on events and publishing magazines and web portals to the geospatial industry in Latin America, in partnership with several companies in the geospatial industry, organized an entire week of online seminars with 3,082 participants in total. The main topics were on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for decision making.


MundoGEO, in partnership with some of the leading companies in the Brazilian industry, organized on August 13 an online seminar that focused on the use of UAV for the mapping sector. In the webinar, there were introduced features, applications and trends in the areas of UAV environment, forestry, agriculture, infrastructure, among others.

Geospatial data in the cloud

In partnership with the company Space Imaging do Brasil, on August 14 the webinar addressed what is most modern and sophisticated in online systems for visualization of geospatial data. The webinar discussed in detail an online system that allows high-tech web access to databases of high resolution satellite images. These systems are being widely used by large companies in several sectors such as mining, energy, agriculture, security, among others.


MundoGEO and gvSIG Association organized, on August 16, a webinar about the free software gvSIG, an open source project that allows its free use, distribution, study and improvement. During the webinar, a brief introduction of the project characteristics and its organization were conducted, followed by a series of demonstrations in which the gvSIG software proved to have great ability to work as vector and raster GIS, for network analysis or as GIS 3D. The presenters spoke directly from Valencia, Spain, and most participants were from Latin America, with great interaction through questions asked in the chat.


Conducted in partnership with the Brazilian company Engesat, the webinar on August 17 addressed the GIS technologies of the Chinese company SuperGeo. The solutions offered by GIS software of SuperGeo, in Desktop, Server or Mobile, are state of the art tools for users of geoinformation technologies. Professionals and educators who already use or seek to use GIS technologies in various applications, such as environmental, urban planning, data registration, agriculture etc, participated in the webinar.

“The MundoGEO Week Webinars was a period of integration of the Ibero-American community through geoinformation”, said Eduardo Freitas, mediator of the online seminars”. They were professionals, educators, experts and decision makers literally from all Latin American countries and other nations such as Portugal, Spain and also some African countries like Angola and Mozambique,” he concludes.

According to Emerson Granemann, director of MundoGEO, the company has been coordinating online seminars for over three years. “More than 80 webinars were organized since 2009, gathering an average of one thousand participants in each online event,” he concludes.

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