
Companies create the Brazilian Institute of Geomatics and Geospatial Solutions


At a meeting held in Sao Paulo (SP), Brazil, on Tuesday (April 23), 17 companies signed an agreement to establish the Brazilian Institute of Geomatics and Geospatial Solutions Companies (IBG in portuguese). The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Brazilian Defense and Security Industries Association (Abimde), with the participation of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex).

The new institute is defined as a non-profit organization with the mission of promoting the development of the domestic market of Geomatics and Geospatial Solutions, aiming to create a competitive, sustainable, ethical and socially responsible industry.

The main IBG objectives are to represent the geospatial sector in important government  forums such as the National Cartography Commission (Concar), develop and deliver studies and economic market and employability analysis, positively influence the public policies creation and the regulation, in order to improve the business environment, the free competition and the attractiveness of investments. Finally, formulate, develop and to implement projects in order to promote the exportation of geospatial products and services of its members.

During the meeting, a temporary committee board was defined. The Council expectation is to have, within the next 60 days, an assembly to elect the first advisory council and board of the Institute for a term that will last three years. The probable location of this meeting will be during the MundoGEO#Connect LatinAmerica 2013 event, to be held in Sao Paulo, from June 18 to 20.


Directors of Furtado & Schmidt, Embratop, Engemap, Imagem, Unidesk, Alezi Teodolini, Geoambiente, MundoGEO, Metrica, Leica Geosystems, Inovação, Geoconsult, Santiago & Cintra Geo-Tecnologias, Santiago & Cintra Consultoria, Satmap, Sisgraph and Somenge signed as founders of the Brazilian Institute of Geomatics and Geospatial Solutions Companies (IBG).

t the meeting, Apex was represented by Marcio Almeida Dias, who highlighted success stories from other institutes and industry associations that expanded the business of his members in the foreign market.

“It was a general consensus at the meeting that the new Institute will fill an important role as spokesman for the industry and the trend, intensity and great deal of its actions will be defined by the strategies that its members – by consensus – define as priorities for the sector,” explains Emerson Granemann, president of the IBG temporary advisory council and Director of MundoGEO.


The following business may be part of the Institute: companies from the sector’s production chain of collection, processing, analysis and representation of geospatial data, services providers, consulting, systems development, mapping, registration, location services. Also, suppliers of products such as remote sensing, surveying and geodesy equipment, geographic data, satellite images, topographic software, spatial analysis, geographic information systems and image processing, hardware for the geospatial industry and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs .)

The summoning for the Assembly will be released soon, with date, time and place, and a website of the Institute will be lauched with information for companies interested in joining IBG. In a recent survey from MundoGEO, over 30 companies have expressed interest in participating in the Institute. IBG founders intend to join, by the end of 2013, more than 50 associated companies.

Instituto Brasileiro de Geomática e Soluções Geoespaciais
17 companies signed an agreement to establish the Brazilian Institute of Geomatics and Geospatial Solutions Companies (IBG in portuguese)

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