
The OGC requests comment on the Processing Extension to the OGC WCS


The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) is seeking comments on the candidate OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) Interface Standard Processing Extension.

The OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) Interface Standard defines an open standard interface to access multi-dimensional spatio-temporal coverages, such as sensor data, satellite imagery, image time series, point clouds, and meshes. The candidate WCS Processing Extension standard specifies the standard service interface to a Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) query language that may optionally be implemented by WCS servers.

WCPS extends WCS functionality with a high-level query language for server-side filtering and processing of multi-dimensional Big Data. Servers may transparently parallelize such queries over multiple cluster or cloud nodes. To this end, the WCS extension defines an additional request type, ProcessCoverages, beyond the core WCS request types GetCapabilities, DescribeCoverage, and GetCoverage.

All OGC standards are free and publicly available. Download the candidate OGC WCS Processing Extension Standard.  Comments are due by 22 August 2013.

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