
Chile launches digital map with spatial information


Chile’s Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales, roughly translated as the Ministry of Government Resources, launched a digital map of the country aimed at improving investments and decision-making for development of public policies in Chile. The ‘Map Viewer IDE’, launched on June 4, is the first Web platform with Chilean territorial information which will allow both businessmen and the general public easy access to the content for better project planning.

The project, a result of the coordinated work between various public institutions involved with the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure of Chile, is led by the Territorial Characterization Project and the National Land Information System (SNIT), and follows a presidential mandate to support decision-making on this matter.

The map is now available on the Website and so far has the information of the first four regions of northern Chile (Arica and Parinacota, Tarapaca, Antofagasta and Atacama). It is expected to add one region per month, in addition to incorporating Census data and emergency protocols, among others.

Source: La Tercera

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