
MundoGEO organizes Geospatial Week in September


Five webinars will take place in September 9th to 13th. More then 7,000 registrants are expected

Semana Webinars MundoGEO_GeotecnologiasMundoGEO, the leader in Latin America in media and communication for the geospatial and location industries, announces a Geospatial Week, that will be held during five days in September. With free registration, the webinars will be conducted in partnership with geospatial companies and institutions.

More then 7000 subscribers are expected for the five events. The Geospatial Week 2013 will offer several topics of interest to the geospatial community:

• September 9 at 5:30pm GMT: Go Monitor: Monitoring with Satellite Images
Astrium Geo Services presents its new monitoring service with high and very high resolution images, which allows to remotely verify the changes that occur in your area of interest, regardless of location, resolution or revisits desired.

• September 10 at 5:30pm GMT: Application of Mobile GIS in the Management of Environmental Impacts
During this webinar, Leica Geosystems will present the possible applications using mobile GIS, through field surveys to investigate variables related to environmental impacts.

• September 11th at 5:30pm GMT: Big Data Applications for Traffic Analysis
Maplink invites the entire geospatial community to participate in an online seminar that will discuss the application of Big Data for complex traffic analyzes. Check it out!

• September 12th at 2am GMT: Advanced Geoprocessing with gvSIG
In this webinar, the gvSIG Association will present advanced geoprocessing tools for raster and vector analysis available in gvSIG Desktop.

• September 13th at 2am GMT: The Benefits of EUMETCast System
The EUMETCast is a low cost system for transmission of information by satellite in real time, designed to distribute Meoteosat Meteorological Satellite Second Generation (MSG) images, as well as products and services of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).

The webinars will last about one hour each, and the registration must be done separately for each event. “This Geospatial Week will be a unique opportunity for the community to obtain information on various topics related to geospatial technology, without leaving their home or office,” said Eduardo Freitas, coordinator of MundoGEO webinars.

In all of the webinars the attendees will be able to interact with the presenters by sending their questions via chat. They will receive certificates of participation and, during the last webinar (9/13), a Garmin GPS navigator will be raffled.

Registration is now open in each webinar link. Remember to pay attention to the schedule of the webinars. For further information, please visit

MundoGEO Webinars

MundoGEO webinars were created for educational and informational purposes on technologies, cases and trends in the geospatial solutions industry. The webinars offer a simple and fast way for refresher courses, placing the companies, institutions and users in direct contact, without the need to travel.

With over 120 webinars conducted since 2009, MundoGEO has averaged 1,500 registrants and 750 atendees per event. All webinars are recorded and the videos are available a few hours after the seminar, for participants and also for those who could not attend in time. The files, as well as the schedule of upcoming webinars, are available at

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