
IBGE launches political map of Brazil

Political Map of Brazil at a 1:5.000.000

IBGE releases today, December 03 of 2013, the Political Map of Brazil at a 1:5.000.000 (1cm = 50km) scale. As a cartographic representation of the whole Brazilian territory, the map includes, among other aspects, state and international boundaries, hydrographic features, extreme points, main spots and, in this 2013 issue, the highlights are the updated road and railway systems and main construction works and edifications. The latest version, released in 2004, was based on the year 2000. Today’s version portrays the territory taking the year 2010 as reference, although some construction works finished afterwards are also depicted.

Based on the continuous cartographic basis of Brazil at a 1:1,000,000 (1cm = 10 km), this map is used to generate maps on smaller scales and to other geoscientific projects, giving support to decision-makers who plan macro-actions for the country. IBGE has been responsible for the elaboration of the Political Map of Brazil, since 1940. The first edition used a 1:6,500,000 scale. From 1950 on, the scale 1:5,000,000 has been adopted as a pattern.

The Political Map of Brazil at a 1:5,000,000 scale is available in PDF format on

Source: IBGE

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