
Early Registration Deadline Extended for UAS Mapping 2014


The first technical UAS symposium sponsored by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) is approaching (October 21-22)! The deadline for early registration has been extended to allow attendees just learning about this exciting event to take advantage of low registration and exhibition fees. The current fee for ASPRS members to attend the event is only $250. The current fee for non-ASPRS members to attend the event is only $300. Exhibitors are provided an exhibit booth and benefits which include two complimentary registrations for only $600. All rates will go up in price on September 12, 2014, so register now!

This unique event will showcase UAS in operation including flights of the first UAS Mapping Calibration Test Course designed to be a permanent facility for the validation and accuracy assessment of UAS sensor payloads. General sessions will focus on the mapping and remote sensing aspects of unmanned acquisitions with the goal to provide practical information on UAS flight planning, acquisition, data processing and map production. National and international speakers will address current-day and developing UAS applications.

Academia and research institutions will inform on existing educational and training opportunities. Survey, mapping, and engineering firms will be on-hand to share their experience and further their UAS implementation strategies. Government agencies will share information on the development of national and international mapping programs. UAS firms will benefit from meeting the managers of the Nevada UAS program and obtaining first-hand information on utilization of the Nevada UAS Test Site.

To find out more about the symposium, UAS MAPPING 2014 RENO, visit To learn more about ASPRS, visit

Source: LiDAR

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