
FIG at Intergeo


2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the Intergeo exhibition and conference. InterGeo was this year held in the capital of Germany, Berlin. Again this year FIG was present at the exhibition with a stand.

From Brazil the FIG representatives had the chance to meet with the delegation from “Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia, Geodésia, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento Remoto, SBC”. They were interested in knowing details about the various memberships that FIG offers and how to corporate in the future. The dialog will continue in 2015, as SBC will have to discuss with their members the benefits of being a member of FIG. There was also the chance to meet with old friends from MundoGeo. All in all good relationships were established between FIG and Brazil.

Visitors from Brazil

The exhibition was as always remarkable, 5 large halls filled with the latest news within Geoinformation. In general there was special focus on products and applications in a digital world. Applications on and around Geoinformation are socially relevant areas for the future.

The FIG stand offered various information about Bulgaria, Sofia, and of course also about the FIG Working Week 2015. Hopefully many were inspired to attend the Working Week 2015 either as participant or exhibitor/sponsor. The Working Week takes place in the historical and very interesting Sofia, 17-21 May 2015. More information at

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