
Esri Wants to Make 3D GIS Easy for Google Earth Clients With ArcGIS Earth


Something on the Esri blogs this week giving us a clue as to what we can expect to see on the main stage at ESRIUC this July – ArcGIS Earth – Esri’s new effort to support the transition to an ESRI solution from the Google Earth Pro environment.

Created to address the growing demand for 3D, Esri is rolling out a new tool to provide an “immersive and visually compelling experience only 3D can provide”. From Esri… “Today, we’re excited to share that we’ve begun work on a new app, called ArcGIS Earth, which extends our 3D offerings. ArcGIS Earth provides a lightweight, easy-to-use interface for immersive 3D that complements the capabilities of ArcGIS Pro and the 3D Scene Viewer with a focused experience for working with geospatial data on the globe.”

What is it?

ArcGIS Earth is part of Esri’s offer for Google customers and partners looking to transition to Esri software. Along with other capabilities of the ArcGIS platform, ArcGIS Earth provides an alternative to the Google Earth Enterprise Client.

Who is it for?

Users who need rapid access to KML and other open standard and proprietary GIS data will be able to quickly launch the app, explore data, and share information using a familiar workflow

When can we get it?

Currently the plan is to release this new app at the end of 2015.

Source: GISuser
