
SpaceBR Show presents trends and numbers of space market in Brazil and the world

A never done before event, 100% online and free, it was conceived by MundoGEO and brings together players from public and private sectors to debate the future of the space segment. The programme schedule goes from November 8th to 12th


Investment and revenue figures of companies and governments in the space sector in Brazil and the world are going to be presented and debated in the first edition of SpaceBR Show, which is going to take place between November 8th and 12th, in a 100% online and free format. The event, conceived and organized by MundoGEO, with strategical support from the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), is going to count with more than 50 national and international speakers who work in the sector. See the full programme schedule and ensure your registration on the website:

Among the trends that are going to be debated during the event panels is the increase of the satellites market share in the space market. According to a survey which is going to be presented in SpaceBR, carried out by Bryce Tech and Satellite Industry Association (SIA), $ 271 billion were moved in 2020 exclusively in the satellite industry, which represents 74% of the spatial global economy, estimated in $ 371 billion, considering all the sector productive chain. Almost half of this sum (48%) is aimed for communication satellite. More so, according to the study, there were 3,371 operational satellites last year, an increase of 252% in relation to 2010.

This industry will keep growing and demanding an even bigger participation of the private sector, it is what another study shows, by Euroconsult, which is going to be presented during the event, pointing that in 2020, 1,275 satellites were launched, a historical record, being 65% of them belonging to SpaceX, Elon Musk’s company.

The study of Euroconsult shows, also, the trend for the current decade, with a clear picture of how the future of space market will be:

“The SpaceBR Show is going to point that the participation of private companies is getting bigger and bigger, and it goes much beyond the spatial tourism of millionaires. A good example is the number of satellites and nanosatellites for several applications, with a great projection of new launches for the next years. This movement spins a productive chain of several kinds of companies which are part of the space industry, with private and public sectors as clients”

highlights the CEO of MundoGEO, Emerson Granemann

To analyse and discuss these trends, it is confirmed at the SpaceBR the attendance of government body representatives from Brazil and other countries, as well as entrepreneurs, investors and consultancy companies, all which are linked to space sector.

The first edition of SpaceBR Show is going to be 100% online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, the event is going to take place in São Paulo, in hybrid format (in-person and online).


What: SpaceBR Show – 1st edition
When: November 8th to 12th, 2021
Where: 100% online
Investment: Free of charge
Registration and full programme schedule:

About MundoGEO

MundoGEO has the purpose of spreading knowledge, promoting innovation and fostering new businesses in the space, drones and geospatial technology sectors, publishing content in MundoGEO webportal, social networks and holding events (online, in-person and hybrid), such as DroneShow, MundoGEO Connect and SpaceBR Show.

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