Pitney Bowes Business Insight, a global leader in customer data, analytics and communication software and services, today announced the launch of MapInfo Manager, a revolutionary application that allows GIS managers, IT managers and data stewards to more easily catalog, search and locate geospatial data for anyone within an organization. By ensuring that users are never more than three clicks away from finding their necessary data sets, MapInfo Manager reduces the countless hours spent hunting for data and instead allows more time for data visualization and analysis.

Today, organizations around the world struggle with managing, searching and understanding their endless amounts of data. As an intuitive data management application, MapInfo Manager finally allows users to create a highly customizable catalog of their geospatial data assets and increases the understanding of data characteristics and appropriate uses for data through metadata. The solution does not replace existing databases but instead creates metadata records for finding and accessing the correct data from the secure location in which it is already housed, ensuring both smarter version control and user-friendly search functionality. By providing this single point of truth for spatial data, organizations save costs by avoiding duplicate data collection or purchases being carried out by two different departments of the same company.

In addition, European customers today face increasing compliance challenges such as the INSPIRE initiative, which requires all European Union spatial data infrastructures to enable the sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organizations.

“At Colchester Borough Council we have been using MapInfo Manager and find it easy and intuitive,” said Sarah Taylor, geospatial & core data manager, Colchester Borough Council. “It was obvious from the interaction that we and other customers had during the development of the product that Pitney Bowes Business Insight is serious about providing a solution that really meets our needs.”

“Our customers were spending a disproportionate amount of time trying to find and understand relevant data sets from their extensive databases,” said John O’Hara, president, Pitney Bowes Business Insight. “At the same time, we know that it is much more important for these customers to be focusing on analyzing and reporting their data. In MapInfo Manager we’ve created a groundbreaking dashboard that will truly change the way enterprises access and manage their GIS data, meaning more time for analysis that better supports business strategy and execution.”

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