The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)  requests reference implementations of the OGC Sensor Planning Service (SPS) 2.0 for use in compliance testing.

The OGC Compliance Program (CITE) tests whether implementations of OGC standards comply with mandatory elements in the standards. Implementations that pass CITE tests are eligible to pay a Trademark License Fee to use the “Certified OGC Compliant” brand in packaging and marketing.

The  OGC Sensor Planning Service Implementation Standard (SPS)  defines interfaces for publishing and retrieving capabilities of a sensor and how to task the sensor, for the following purposes: to determine the feasibility of a sensor planning request; to submit such a request; to inquire about the status of such a request; to update or cancel such a request; and to request information about other OGC Web services that provide access to the data collected by the requested task. SPS is part of the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) suite of standards.

Development of executable tests suites (ETS) for SPS servers is underway, based on the abstract test suites (ATS) that are available in the standard document (OGC 09-000).

OGC Members with SPS server implementations (and test data if available) are invited to become SPS CITE Initiative sponsors by making these resources available for free for “black box” testing in SPS executable test suite development. The first three implementations to pass 100% of the testing process during the release candidate phase will have their Trademark License Fee waived for their first complete annual licensing period. The participants are welcome to become part of the organizations submitting the Compliance Test Package.

For more information about this opportunity, please visit or contact: Luis Bermudez, OGC Director of Interoperability Certification,