The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the Association of Geographic Information (AGI) have joined forces to offer European organizations the chance to learn more about open standards and interoperability. Hosted at the Met Office in Exeter on Friday, 22nd June 2012, following the OGC Technical Committee meetings earlier that week, the day will be of interest to everyone in the geospatial community, especially those who want to know more about what Open Government and international geospatial standards can offer them and their organisation.

If you are interested in standards policy and the EC INSPIRE Directive, or the recent UK Government consultation on Open Standards, there will be representation from Central Government, Ordnance Survey Great Britain and the Met Office, amongst others. If you are more technically minded there will be a hands-on workshop where you’ll get the chance to try out OGC compliant Web services and data feeds in open source software. Remember to bring your laptop!

Provisional Programme:

0900 Registration, coffee and exhibition
0930 Welcome
0940 What is the OGC? – Steven Ramage, OGC
1000 Why Met Office are using Open Standards – Chris Little, Met Office
1030 OGC Standards and INSPIRE – Graham Vowles, Bloxstore
1100 Coffee and exhibition
1120 Open Standards in the UK Location Programme – Alex Coley, Environment Agency
1200 Open Standards Workshop – Mike Saunt, Astun Technology
1300 Lunch and exhibition, sponsored by 1Spatial
1400 OGC Compliance Program – George Percivall, OGC and Jens Fitzke, lat/lon
1440 Coffee and exhibition
1500 Using Open Standards at Ordnance Survey – Andy Howles, Ordnance Survey GB
1540 Closing Session

This is a free event, but registration is required.